I first heard about Kendall's boot camp from a friend.  Although I was exercising about 3 times a week, I was really starting to get bored with my routine of 30 minutes on a cardio machine followed by some half-hearted attempts at strength exercises.  I've always enjoyed a group setting and boot camp sounded like a good fit for me.  My initial goals were to slim down by toning up and increase my strength and endurance.  I first attended the Spring session, March 28 - April 28, 2011, four days a week from 5:45 - 6:45 am.   There are some people who may think getting up that early is a deal breaker, but I really enjoy starting my day out on a positive note and my work schedule doesn't always allow flexibility in the evenings (not to mention that getting exercise out of the way is a big plus in my book).  Of course, there are afternoon session options as well.

I really loved my four weeks.  This is not a military style boot camp setting in any way.  Kendall is a positive guy -- always encouraging, but not willing to let you quit.  He'll listen patiently to your whining and push you to finish the set!  Those last 20 crunches or pushups that I could never make myself do in the gym become routine with Kendall's workouts.  I definitely saw results -- my strength increased (which is measured by a before and after fitness test) and I lost several inches by the end of the 4 weeks.  I signed up for a second session which started this week.  Boot camp is a lot of work, but well worth the effort when you see the end results.
Catie Hester

I have been participating in the Oxford Adventure Boot Camp since Kendall started them in Oxford in February 2011.  I have very much enjoyed them!  I love the environment, the workouts, the people I have met through the camps, and Kendall’s ability to motivate and encourage.  Every time I leave camp I am exhausted from the full body workout, but still enjoyed myself throughout the workout.  That’s a difficult thing to achieve, but I think Kendall has done a great job at it and one way he has done that is by always mixing things up.  Since I started the camp in February we have never done the same workout twice, which is great because I have a tendency to get bored easily.  Another great thing about the camp, outside of just being fun, is that it also produces great results!  I am in much better shape than when I started and am definitely more toned as well.  I would encourage all women, of every age and fitness level to try it out.  Kendall is great about making the camp suitable for everyone. 
Molly Tanner

I have been through eight weeks of Oxford Adventure Boot Camp and have just signed on for another session. Boot Camp is by far the most challenging work-out I have ever endured. The beauty of the program is that while you are encouraged to push yourself past your limits, Kendall is there to suggest alternative exercises tailored to individual strengths and needs. Kendall constantly encourages and motivates the class to keep the momentum going but the women truly energize each other - there are actually a lot of laughs.

My boot camp adventure started with a friend asking me to join her for the first session. Since then my stamina has vastly improved; I've lost some inches and feel stronger and healthier. I won't lie, I still don't "love" to exercise but with boot camp - showing up is half the battle. Kendall mixes up the routine on a daily basis so there's always a chance to surprise yourself with the endurance and strength to make it through one more set and you just can't put a price on feeling that accomplishment.
Melanie Dobbs

I love the fact that ANYONE can be successful at Kendall's boot camp.  The name, "Boot Camp", might suggest that there is constant in your face yelling but I have found that Kendall's motivational techniques are quite the opposite.  He genuinely cares about each camper and does an outstanding job of meeting people where they are.  I have found that the group setting and the encouragement that we give each other really helps to hold us accountable each day and week! 

I have noticed a HUGE difference in how much stronger I feel!  And let's face it, I love how much better those clothes are fitting!  I can do push-ups now!!  And we're not talking about the kind on your knees.  Real push-ups! 

Don't get me wrong, boot camp requires a lot of hard work and determination!  But it is doable!  I believe it is the whole EXPERIENCE that will keep people coming back to Kendall Gregory's Oxford Adventure Boot Camp.  We're just ordinary people, young and old, that are trying to make a difference in our health!  I'm definitely hooked and will keep going back!  I would recommend people to just try it!  Make an investment in yourself.  You'll be so glad that you did!
Jill Stevens

What to share your thoughts? We'd love to hear!  Email your testimonial to info@oxfordbootcamp.com.

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